Title war between Sudeep and Dinesh Gandhi

Producer Dinesh Gandhi, once a friend of Sudeep, is now happy at the actor's discomfort which he created.

Dinesh Gandhi, who established himself in Sandalwood riding piggyback on Sudeep, is now the thorn in the actor’s flesh. He is happy watching the fun as Sudeep tries to get back the title for a film which he had asked Gandhi to register in the first place.

Veera Madakari in which Sudeep acted and directed, financially stabilised Gandhi as the producer. By the time the film released, Sudeep and Gandhi had fallen out as the latter had failed to pay remuneration to the actors and technicians of the film. The film succeeded, but Sudeep kept away. During this time Gandhi had registered the title Dhandam Dashagunam on the insistence of Sudeep. An advertisement announcing the film with Sudeep and Shankre Gowda as the producer also appeared.

But the film did not take off then and Sudeep appeared in a few other films in between. When the announcement of the film was made again, Gandhi clandestinely transferred the title to Umesh Banakar with an unlikely clause that the title would be reverted to him in case it was not being used. Gandhi’s way of getting back at old friend Sudeep has not gone well with anyone in the industry. Sudeep, who has not yet forgiven Gandhi for the trouble caused during Veera Madakari, has kept his silence and distance from the ongoing tussle.